Home Blog iDrive Student Advisory Board: Teen Suicide Prevention Week 9/10-16

iDrive Student Advisory Board: Teen Suicide Prevention Week 9/10-16

Published on September 5, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Student Advisory Board: Teen Suicide Prevention Week 9/10-16

Coming up, September 10-16, is Teen Suicide Prevention Week. Teen suicide is, tragically, an immense and growing issue, and in recent years, it has entered the public eye. However, more can always be done to prevent teen suicide and to recognize signs of depression before anything drastic is done. That’s why the iDrive Student Advisory Board is launching this awareness campaign:

Click or tap on the image above to download and save it to your computer or device. Share this image on social media to raise awareness. Add #TeenSuicidePreventionWeek and tag us @idrive_live.

U are part of US is a social media campaign that addresses teen hopelessness, depression and the feeling of isolation that drives young people to make an irreversible decision. The mission of this campaign takes a positive approach by reminding teens that they are valuable, irreplaceable and unique. Most importantly, they are reminded of the friends, family members and classmates that care about them. Our vision is to prevent teen suicide by bringing hope, light and a sense of belonging to teens all around the world through the power of social media.

Related Article: iDrive Agents | How to Be a Social Media Champion

A Special Message from the iDrive Editor

I myself have witnessed two teen suicides during my time in school, and both of them were of two people who came off as cheerful and outgoing people; no one suspected anything. Depression is not always easy to detect. Research show that four out of five teens who attempt suicide have shown clear warning signs, but those surrounding this person either did not notice the signs or did not take action (CDC, 2015). The more we raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health among our friends, at school and in the public, the more lives can be saved.

Teens may not have all the power in the world, but many are fluent with social media. Put your social media fluency to use. Follow iDrive on social media to join our campaign to prevent teen suicide. Together we will reach out to our friends, send messages of hope and encourage others to not be dismissive about mental health. Share this campaign with your loved ones at home, at school and in your local community, too. Your participation on social media during Teen Suicide Prevention week is an important aspect of the iDrive mission and your role as an Agent and changemaker. A simple retweet or post share takes seconds, but this action can quickly reach around the world–starting with you.

You are a part of us,

iDrive Editor

P.S. If you haven’t yet read our article How to Be a Social Media Champion, I encourage you to do so. It is has lots of tips on how you can use Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to be an Agent of positive change in the world.

iDrive wants to hear from you!

Want to start your own iDrive campaign or have a topic that you want iDrive to address? Send us a direct message on social media or send an e-mail at advisoryboard@isafe.org

Want to contribute social media content to future iDrive campaigns? Submit your application to join the iDrive Student Advisory Board here: http://www.idrivetvonline.com/get-involved/student-advisory-board-member

Are you reading this article, but you’re not yet an iDrive Agent? Sign up here: http://www.idrivetvonline.com/get-involved/become-an-agent

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