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Featured Article – e-Commerce: When Online Shopping is a Real Steal

Published on December 4, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

Featured Article – e-Commerce: When Online Shopping is a Real Steal A few decades ago, the thought of purchasing items on a website from a cell phone sounded futuristic. The world has certainly changed. Did you know that, this past Cyber Monday, consumers spent a record $2 billion from their mobile devices? (Thomas, 2017)? What is more, a whopping $6.59 billion was spent online on this same day making U.S. history as the largest online shopping day ever (Thomas, 2017). Despite the massive success of online shopping, foot traffic in stores decreased less than one percent (Wattles, 2017). Yes, Black

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iDrive Student Advisory Board |Take Initiative: Teens, Technology & Tolerance

Published on November 13, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Student Advisory Board |Take Initiative: Teens, Technology & Tolerance Are you looking for even bigger ways to promote Tolerance in your school, community, and even the nation and the world? Join the iDrive Student Advisory Board on the issue of Teens, Technology and Tolerance and to expand this movement nationwide! Here are some questions to get your wheels turning: How tolerant is your school campus? Your local community? Do you have a story to share that would promote tolerance, respect and dispel misconceptions? How might you use technology to promote tolerance and respect? Now that you have a clearer

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iDrive Agent | Join the Movement: Promote Kindness, Tolerance & Respect Online

iDrive Agent | Join the Movement: Promote Kindness, Tolerance & Respect Online If technology can be used to create turmoil, then the same technologies can be used to promote tolerance and respect for people from all walks of life. iDrive Agents can make a positive impact by showing kindness, tolerance and respect for diversity. Share your demonstrations of Kindness and Tolerance on social media throughout the month of November. Your real-world actions serves to cultivate a positive online culture and inspires others to do the same. Here is a bit of background information on these observance days along with some

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Teens, Technology & Tolerance: Is Our Generation Media Literate?

Published on November 13, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

Teens, Technology & Tolerance: Is Our Generation Media Literate? One of the major challenges that our generation experiences is determining whether the content that we come across is real or fake; biased or balanced. According to recent studies, more Americans are getting their news from social media sites, and at least two-thirds of Americans (67%) get at least some news on sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat (Grieco, 2017; Bialik & Masta, 2017) About one third (32%) report that they come across fabricated news online (Bialik & Masta, 2017). In another study by

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Teens, Technology & Tolerance: 5 Tips to Cultivate Tolerance Online

Published on November 13, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

Teens, Technology & Tolerance: 5 Tips to Cultivate Tolerance Online So, what can you do to cultivate a culture of tolerance in your online community? Here are some tips: 1. Be respectful Before you post, like or comment, make sure take another look at the language that you’ve used. Does your message show respect? Or are you using derogatory terms or making statements with a slant against people from a particular background? Keep in mind that everyone is part of the same race–the human race. Watch your words. 2. Keep calm and respond Did a friend post something that made

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Featured Article: Teens, Technology & Tolerance

Published on November 13, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

Featured Article: Teens, Technology & Tolerance Advisory: The embedded links may contain potentially offensive material. These links have been selected to provide examples of actual instances involving teens. Our world has become more connected than ever before, and our phones act as a portal into a global society; a place where people exchange their various views, beliefs, customs and behaviors that differ from our own. On one hand, as participants in social networks and other online communities, we have the opportunity to learn from people of various cultures and backgrounds and cultivate tolerance. On the other hand, online environments serve

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iDrive Student Advisory Board: Advocate for Cyber Security & Education

Published on October 26, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Student Advisory Board: Advocate for Cyber Security & Education Technology plays a major role in our education. As a student, you probably use at least one, if not several, online accounts for your academic classwork and assignments. To access these online accounts, your school either provides you with a username and password, or your teacher may instruct you to create your own login credentials. Although many students have taken digital citizenship lessons that encourage children and teens to protect online privacy and security by refraining from using personally identifiable information, or PII, in usernames and passwords, we’ve found that

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iDrive Agent: 8 Tips to Prevent Identity Theft on Social Media

Published on October 26, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Agent: 8 Tips to Prevent Identity Theft on Social Media Continuing with the October theme of Cyber Security, iDrive presents eight tips to make your online experience more safe and secure, and to help prevent identity theft on social media. As an iDrive Agent, you can share these tips on social media, too! 1. Be selective with what you share. Since we’ve grown up in a world where sharing our personal lives online is pretty much the norm, it easy to forget how public social media can be. Do you really want the world and the online service to

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Featured Article | A Pothole in Your Pathway: Social Media Privacy Pointers

Featured Article | A Pothole in Your Pathway: Social Media Privacy Pointers If you share personal information on your accounts, consider setting your account to private. Technology settings have workarounds, and your account can be hacked using phishing scams and other social engineering techniques. You expose personal information to unknown others online by accepting friend or follower requests from people you don’t know in person, or by inadvertently connecting to an imposter account. (You know–that unofficial celebrity Twitter account that readily accepted your follower request, followed back and is now sending you messages and comments?) Have you ever heard of

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Featured Article | A Pothole in Your Pathway: Open Sesame

Published on October 26, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

Featured Article | A Pothole in Your Pathway: Open Sesame Have you ever been tempted to use the exact same, or at least similar, usernames and passwords for multiple online accounts? Well, as you may have guessed, this practice gives an identity thief easy access to your information in various places in one fell swoop. First of all, if you use a similar username or the same e-mail address for various online accounts, they will be easier to find. The major misstep is in using the same password. Your password acts as a key. Should an unauthorized party gain access

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