Home Blog iDrive Student Advisory Board |Take Initiative: Teens, Technology & Tolerance

iDrive Student Advisory Board |Take Initiative: Teens, Technology & Tolerance

Published on November 13, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Student Advisory Board |Take Initiative: Teens, Technology & Tolerance

Are you looking for even bigger ways to promote Tolerance in your school, community, and even the nation and the world? Join the iDrive Student Advisory Board on the issue of Teens, Technology and Tolerance and to expand this movement nationwide!

Here are some questions to get your wheels turning:

  1. How tolerant is your school campus? Your local community?
  2. Do you have a story to share that would promote tolerance, respect and dispel misconceptions?
  3. How might you use technology to promote tolerance and respect?

Now that you have a clearer idea of why this issue is important to you, here is some information from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) regarding ways to promote Tolerance. Use these five points to determine how you will design your initiative.

  1. Laws – Human rights laws protect people from discrimination and hate crimes. Enforcing laws helps to protect citizens and to prevent people from taking justice into their own hands by resorting to violence. How might you improve the laws in your community, state or country that to better protect people from intolerance?
  2. Education – Fear of the unknown and lack of knowledge contributes to intolerance. How might you educate others to address intolerance?
  3. Access to Information – Misinformation may lead to misconceptions. How might you expose misinformation online? How might you help people to become more media literate?
  4. Personal Awareness – “Am I a tolerant person? Do I stereotype people? Do I reject those who are different from me? Do I blame my problems on ‘them’?” How might you help others become more personally aware of their own perspectives?
  5. Local Solutions – What are the specific issues that you have observed or experienced at your school and in your community? How might you promote tolerance and respect?

Source: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/fight-against-discrimination/promoting-tolerance

Now that you have identified your direction, here are some ways that you can take action!

  1. Host a school assembly or event:

    Get together with a club or a group of friends and ask a teacher or administrator how you could have your school organize an event promoting tolerance. If you got the support of teachers and administrators, you could potentially hold a full-blown assembly. But there are other ways you could also make an impact, like something as simple as a booth at lunch where you could promote your cause.

    In addition, consider reaching out to local elementary and middle schools. It might be easier to teach younger kids, and it could even be more effective: encouraging young people to be tolerant can help establish an open mindset for the rest of their lives.

  2. Organize a Peaceful Demonstration:

    Promote respect for diversity by inviting students of all backgrounds to gather together in harmony during International Day for Tolerance. Here’s an idea: “A Walk for All Walks of Life.”Not only would this bring the community together for an exciting day of unity, but it would also raise awareness of the importance of being open-minded and accepting to all people.

  3. Facilitate a Roundtable Discussion:

    Dispel misconceptions about stereotypes common among your student body. Invite students to attend the Roundtable Discussion to get access to information versus misinformation! Do some research and ask teachers, friends, parents, and more if they have connections to experts and keynote speakers. Otherwise, don’t be afraid to contact potential speakers yourself. Most of them will be eager to help young people spread a message of tolerance.

Hey there, Agent! Don’t forget to capture photos and videos of your initiative and share with the iDrive community!

Note: Respect other’s privacy rights. Get permission from anyone featured in photos and videos. Be sure to follow school technology and social media guidelines. Approval from your school administrator and parents may be required.

Source: http://www.un.org/en/events/toleranceday/background.shtml

iDrive wants to hear from you!

Want to start your own iDrive campaign or have a topic that you want iDrive to address? Send us a direct message on social media or send an e-mail at advisoryboard@isafeventures.org

Want to contribute social media content to future iDrive campaigns? Submit your application to join the iDrive Student Advisory Board here

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Advisory: The embedded links may contain potentially offensive material. These links have been selected to provide examples of actual instances involving teens.

Bialik, Kristen, and Katerina Eva Matsa. “Key Trends in Social and Digital News Media.” Pew Research Center, 4 Oct. 2017, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/10/04/key-trends-in-social-and-digital-news-media.

CBS Evening News. “At One High School, No One Eats Lunch Alone.” YouTube, YouTube, 10 Mar. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdDa2outstI.

“Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning.” sheg.stanford.edu/upload/V3LessonPlans/Executive%20Summary%2011.21.16.pdf.

Havens, Emily. “Utah School Investigating after Girls Caught on Video Chanting Racist Slur.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 18 Oct. 2017, www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/10/18/school-igirls-caught-video-chanting-racist-slurs-school-investigating-racist-video-created-teen-girl/776318001.

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Kabc. “Students Post Positive Messages on Lockers Following Classmates’ Suicide.” ABC7 Los Angeles, 9 Sept. 2016, abc7.com/education/students-post-positive-messages-on-lockers-following-classmates-suicide/1505200.

Lenhart, Amanda. “Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 8 Apr. 2015, www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/09/teens-social-media-technology-2015.

“More Americans Are Turning to Multiple Social Media Sites for News.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 2 Nov. 2017, www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/11/02/more-americans-are-turning-to-multiple-social-media-sites-for-news.

“National No One Eats Alone Day | A Project of Beyond Differences.” Friday, February 9, 2018 National No One Eats Alone Day, www.nooneeatsalone.org.

“NoHomophobes.com.” NoHomophobes.com, www.nohomophobes.com/#!/today.

Rosen, Rebecca J. “In the Last 3 Months, the Word — Has Been Tweeted 2.6 Million Times.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 2 Oct. 2012, www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/10/in-the-last-3-months-the-word-faggot-has-been-tweeted-26-million-times/263149.

Sawyer, Diane. 20/20 Diane Sawyer Investigates: ISIS in America. ABC. Nov 5, 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZew0rC9tIg

“Tolerance, Understanding, Diversity, Respect, Human Rights, Freedom,
Cooperation between Cultures, Shared Values, Dialogue, Mutual Respect, Conflict, Polarization, Stereotypes, Fear, Hatred, Prejudice.” United Nations, United Nations, www.un.org/en/events/toleranceday/background.shtml.

“USA Kindness Organisations.” The World Kindness Movement, www.theworldkindnessmovement.org/member_nation/global-classroom-connection.

The World Kindness Movement. www.theworldkindnessmovement.org.

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