Home Blog iDrive Agents: How to Be a Social Media Champion

iDrive Agents: How to Be a Social Media Champion

Published on September 5, 2017 by in Blog, Newsletter

iDrive Agents: How to Be a Social Media Champion

In our article College Readiness: What You Need to Know About College Admissions, we talked about the importance of building a positive social media presence. As an iDrive Agent, your participation in social media campaigns and initiatives not only helps raise awareness of important issues, it helps you to build the type of positive online presence that colleges seek. We’ve talked to teens across the nation about the issues that matter to them most. Top issues include teen suicide prevention, (not) texting while driving, gender equality and respect for people from all walks of life–ethnicity, race, religion and orientation. We’ve included some easy ways for you to participate in iDrive campaigns and some tips to building a social media campaign as an iDrive Agent. What can you do as an iDrive Agent? Become a Social Media Champion!

What is a Social Media Champion?

Social media champions are the face of a movement or organization. A true champion interacts with the people in their social circles; to watch and listen for the issues and challenges that they are experiencing in this digital generation. Figuratively speaking, social media champions keep their ear to the ground and use the power of social media to spread awareness, educate others and bring solutions to real-world problems. Social media unites people together, amplifying their voices to be heard around the world. As an iDrive champion, you are the bridge between your real-world community and the social networks that you have established online; you are the face of a movement. As you build and maintain positive relationships, you develop a reputation as a changemaker–starting with the friends that you already know–the friends in your social networks.

You don’t have to be a viral sensation with a hundred thousand followers to make a positive impact in the world. You can use social media to raise awareness about issues that matter to you with the people that you already know like your friends, family and acquaintances ages 13-18…with the click of a button.

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