Home Blog Student Poll: School Climate

Student Poll: School Climate

Published on February 6, 2018 by in Blog, Newsletter

Student Poll: School Climate

School climate shapes the daily experiences of students on a campus. Your perception is based on your own observations, feelings and experiences. Your answers are confidential and will be combined with others who take this poll.

How do you think students from your school will respond to these poll questions?

This poll may serve as a useful tool for you to plan your No One Eats Alone Day event and initiative to stop social isolation. Be sure to read our other blogs to learn more about social isolation, the effects on students, and ways that you can make your school a more welcoming and inclusive place.

Take this Poll

Coming Soon
I feel comfortable with meeting new people.
I feel comfortable with meeting new people.
I feel comfortable with meeting new people.
Coming Soon
I feel like I have friends at school.
I feel like I have friends at school.
I feel like I have friends at school.
Coming Soon
I feel included in social activities.
I feel included in social activities.
I feel included in social activities.
Coming Soon
I look forward to socializing at lunchtime.
I look forward to socializing at lunchtime.
I look forward to socializing at lunchtime.
Coming Soon
I notice that students spend lunchtime alone on a daily basis.
I notice that students spend lunchtime alone on a daily basis.
I notice that students spend lunchtime alone on a daily basis.
Coming Soon
Students in my school treat unique individuals with kindness and respect.
Students in my school treat unique individuals with kindness and respect.
Students in my school treat unique individuals with kindness and respect.

How might you promote kindness, tolerance, respect and inclusion on your school campus?
Join the Nationwide Movement: Promote Acceptance & Inclusion

Go Social! Check out what schools across the nation are sharing on social media with these hashtags: #NoOneEatsAlone #NoOneEatsAloneDay #NOEA2018

iDrive wants to hear from you!

Want to start your own iDrive campaign or have a topic that you want iDrive to address? Send us a direct message on social media or send an e-mail at advisoryboard@isafeventures.org

Want to contribute social media content to future iDrive campaigns? Submit your application to join the iDrive Student Advisory Board here

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